To strengthen the Alliance through connecting its forces, NCI Agency delivers secure, coherent, cost effective and interoperable communications and information systems and services in support of consultation, command & control and enabling intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities, for NATO, where and when required. It includes IT support to the Alliances' business processes (to include provision of IT shared services) to the NATO HQ, the Command Structure and NATO Agencies.
The Agency has a 24/7 mission to:
- Connect the Alliance.
- Defend its networks.
- Provide rapid support to NATO operations and missions.
- Deliver critical capabilities, including: the command and control technology for NATO's ballistic missile defence, the Air Command and Control System (ACCS), support to NATO's Joint ISR Initiative and Federated Mission Networking (FMN).
- Through bilateral and multinational projects assist NATO and Partner Nations in developing interoperable and cost-effective capabilities in the area of C4ISR.
- Support Nations in cost-effective certification of their NATO Response Force elements by re-using solutions tried and tested in Afghanistan.
80% of our work is done through contracts with national Industries.
Supporting NATO operations is our top priority.
Team NCI Agency:
- Optimises NATO mission success and is recognised as the trusted enabler of information superiority and enterprise excellence.
- Uses best practice to develop, deliver, connect and protect capabilities in partnership with other NATO entities, nations and industry.
- Earns customers' confidence through agility, innovation and by delivering coherent and cost- effective solutions.
The NCI Agency has over 30 locations in Europe, North America and South-East Asia in support of our customers and NATO operations.
The Agency's central elements are split between Brussels, Mons and The Hague and structured along a life cycle approach to C4ISR delivery/Service Lines. Service lines are multidisciplinary teams, processes, technology and governance put together under an accountable executive to deliver a bundle of related services on a life cycle managed basis including development of the entries in the Agency Service Catalogue. They are supported by a number of Enabling Services. Demand Management provides the entry point to the Agency for customers.
USANATO Support Unit:
A Company, AFSOUTH Battalion
Unit 28138
APO AE 09114-0069
Izmir, Turkey
Commercial: +49 8418 8660 5300
Supporting Garrison:
US Army Garrison (USAG) Italy [External Link]
NATO Organizations:
NATO Communications and Information Agency [External Link]
Country Culture Field Guides:
Turkey Culture Field Guide
Izimir Welcome Packet:
Izmir Welcome Packet