NRDC-ITA is to be prepared to deploy as a Corps, Land Component Command or Joint Task Force HQ for joint operations (Land Heavy) under NATO, EU or a coalition command, to conduct or sustain missions throughout the operational spectrum, both within and beyond NATO's area of responsibility for the collective defence of Alliance territory or in pursuit of Alliance, EU or coalition security interests.
USANATO Support Unit:
Bravo Company, AFSOUTH BN
PSC 813 BOX 23
FPO AE 09620
CDR - +39-044-461-7359 or DSN - 314-637-7359
1SG - +39-044-461-7358 or DSN - 314-637-7358
Supporting Garrison:
US Army Garrison (USAG) Italy [External Link]
NATO Organizations:
NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Italy [External Link]