Command Sergeant Major Kisha M. Vaught is the Command Sergeant Major for United States Army North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Brigade.
She enlisted in the Army at the Fort Jackson Military Entrance Processing Station in August 1996, and completed Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. Her assignments include personnel administrator, Headquarters, 801st Corps Support Battalion, Fort Campbell, Kentucky; personnel service sergeant, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 601st Combat Aviation Brigade, Katterbach, Germany; enlisted promotion noncommissioned officer, Alpha Detachment, 18th Personnel Services Battalion; senior human resources sergeant Battalion S1, Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 2nd Battalion Special Warfare Center (Airborne); senior human resources sergeant brigade S1, Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 1st Special Warfare Training Group (Airborne); senior human resources sergeant G1, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Special Warfare Center (Airborne), all at Fort Bragg, North Carolina; senior human resources sergeant, Group Support Battalion, 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne), Eglin Air Force Base, Florida; inspector general noncommissioned officer, Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 13th Aviation Regiment, Fort Rucker, Alabama, Senior Enlisted Advisor, 10th Battalion, United States Military Entrance Processing Command Jacksonville Military Entrance Processing Station, Jacksonville, Florida, G1 Sergeant Major for 7th Signal Command (Theater), Fort Gordon, GA, and Battalion Command Sergeant Major for 95th Adjutant General Battalion (Reception), Fort Sill, OK.
Command Sergeant Major Vaught holds a Master's Degree in Human Resources Development from Webster University and a Bachelor of Science in Government from Campbell University. Her professional military education includes the Basic, Advanced and Senior Leader Courses, Master Resiliency Trainer Course, Manpower Management Course, Battle Staff Course, First Sergeant Course, Inspector General Course, and United States Army Sergeants Major Academy, Brigade, Battalion, and TRADOC Pre Command Course.
Her military awards and decorations include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal with 1 OLC, Meritorious Service Medal with 2 OLC, Army Commendation Medal with 6 OLC, Army Achievement Medal, and various unit and service medals and ribbons. She also earned the Parachutist Badge.